Doing what you say you'll do is a superpower
The opening lines of the first chapter in Paul Arden's amazing book "It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be."
Why do we strive for excellence when mediocrity is required?
There is little demand in the commercial world for excellence. There is much,much bigger demand for mediocrity.
These lines set off a train of thought...
If you observe today's commercial landscape, you'll notice how many sellers honour what they promise.
They say one thing and deliver something else - delay, lesser quality, bad experience... Something is always missing.
How hard is it to deliver on your promise?
If you say you'll revert with a creative by noon on Tuesday, honour that promise.
If you say your widget can do A, B and C, ensure it does. Don't come up with excuses or hide behind corporate jargon to pass the blame to the customer.
Just do what you say you will.
99% of the marketplace does not do this bare minimum.
THAT is how low the bar is!!!
So, before striving for excellence, first, do what you say you will do.
That alone is excellence and will delight your customer.