What this is all about...

What this is all about...

Dear reader,

This is my marketing diary. A collection of thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned in my quest to be a better copywriter and content marketer.

Most of these lessons have the potential to make a difference in your business or marketing life. Some are just brain farts.

You'll also find that they are not the standard "value dumps" of marketing theories. This is intentional. I have no interest in spewing theory that others have learned and proven. What you find here are things I've learned, done, and/or are working on.

One common element you'll find in them is that there's an underlying story that gave birth to the day's writing. Of course, there are exceptions.

The stories, mostly, revolve around my family - my wife, Nilakshi; my 2-year-old, Aditi; and my 6-month-old, Aadhya. There's no shortage of drama with my 3 most favourite girls in the world.

Here's the thing. There are many lessons we learn that are directly applicable to our work simply by being observant.

After all, marketing is not just cold theory. It's the science of eliciting a response from people. So, what better way to learn than observe those that you spend the most time with.

My best,


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